Small Dog Electronics' e-Waste Initiative
Your computer can have life after you're ready to move on, and recycling is FREE.
The Importance of Recycling
Small Dog Electronics has long been concerned about its footprint on the Earth. We started recycling electronics on a small scale many years ago, but e-waste (electronic waste) has grown to be a major problem on a global scale. According to the EPA, 250 million computers will become obsolete in the next five years, due to the speed of technological advances. As such, the disposal rate of electronic material increases at an alarming pace every year.
Where to recycle your computer at no cost to you.
Throughout the state of Vermont there are numerous state sponsored drop off locations that provide eWaste recycling at no cost to consumers. Small Dog Electronics kindly asks that customers now take advantage of many free resources throughout the state, our Flynn ave location is simply too small to process and house eWaste.
Did you know electronic recycling is now state law?
Visit the State of Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources' site to find a list of other recycling and reuse locations throughout the state.
State of Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources
Please visit the Vermont e-cycles website for a complete list of authorized electronic recycle facilities to see where you can bring your non computer eWaste recycling. Some locations may charge a small fee for this service.
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