An iPhoto Slideshow With More Than One Song?

Recently several people asked me how to make a slideshow with more than one song in iPhoto 6. They could only get one song to play over and over again during their long photo slideshows. As a “work around,” a couple of them tried to make the slideshow in iMovie, instead of iPhoto. It’s actually fairly easy to make a slideshow with multiple songs in iPhoto 6 – maybe too easy!

Here’s how:

1. Make a playlist in iTunes with all the music you want to use in your iPhoto slideshow.

2. Make an album in iPhoto with all the photos you want to feature in your slideshow.

3. Navigate to that album, and then click the Slideshow icon at the bottom of iPhoto pane (usually between “edit” and “card” in iPhoto 6.)

4. In the “slideshow view,” click on the “music” icon at the bottom of the iPhoto pane – it looks like the iTunes icon.

5. In the dialogue box that pops up, click on the “iTunes” icon. you should now be able to see all your iTunes playlists – including the playlist you made in step one.

6. Select the playlist you made in step one – and make sure the box is checked that reads “Play music during slideshow.”

7. Now you can play the slideshow with all the songs in the playlist.

Note that you can also export your iPhoto slideshow as a Quicktime movie that can be played on a Mac or PC, can be uploaded to the Internet, burned to CD, or emailed to a friend. Highlight the slideshow in iPhoto’s left pane, and then click File > Export > Save as… Again, this is iPhoto 6.

You can use songs purchased from the iTunes Store in slideshows you play on your iTunes authorized computer. However, you can’t usually export slideshows with music purchased from the iTunes Store, unless the DRM has been removed.

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